FRIDAY - OCTOBER 20, 2023 - Radisson Bismarck
8:30am to 5pm - Professional Development Day
5:30pm - Summit Pre-Registration
6:00 to 9:00pm - Welcome Social & Open Mic
- Speakers, hors d'oeuvres, & cash bar
SATURDAY - OCTOBER 21, 2023 - Bismarck Event Center
Presentation Rooms: Prairie 3, Young Adult - Prairie 2, Breakout - Prairie 1, Foyer
7:30am - Registration opens
8:00am - Welcome! Two-Spirit Acknowledgement & Blessing
Wayne Flute and Cardinal Red Bird
8:30am - Keynote: Taylor Brorby -
"Raising Hell on the Great Gay Plains."
In this talk, Taylor will cover the sweep of his life, growing up
rural and poor in a trailer house in coal country to being the
first person arrested in Iowa protesting the Dakota Access
Pipeline. Taylor will speak to this moment of censorship and
anti-LGBTQ legislation sweeping the country, and North
Dakota in particular, as well as share hope-filled stories in the
face of the battles we face now and in the future.
There will be time for Q&A, and following Taylor's talk, there
will be a book signing in the foyer. Ferguson Books will have
copies of his book: Boys and Oil, available for sale.
Also available as a single ticket for Taylor's keynote
9:45am - Break
10:00am - For and with LGBTQ+ Elders: AARP Foundation's
Litigation and Legacy
Allie Horwitz will provide an overview of AARP Foundation
Litigation, talk through issues facing LGBTQ+ older adults,
and discuss some of AARP Foundation’s recent cases
fighting to uphold the rights of LGBTQ+ older adults.
10:00am - INclued Training -
Inclusive Healthcare for Young Adults (10am-1:45pm)
Katie Christensen Mineer & Madison Zeigler.
(Click title for additional info.)
11:00am - BIPOC & LGBTQIA2S+ Panel: Intersection of race, native
identity, sexuality, and gender.
Hosted by Ming Wong
Panelists will share their perspectives on the issues that
affect LGBTQIA2S+ Black, Indigenous and People of Color
in North Dakota.
Noon - Lunch Break - Taco Bar
12:30pm - Fair Housing Rights: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
Bri Hall & Geraldine Ambe
A dynamic and thought-provoking discussion on fair housing
rights and protections, with a specific emphasis on gender
identity and sexual orientation discrimination in housing.
This event is dedicated to exploring the legal safeguards and
advocacy efforts aimed at ensuring LGBTQIA+ individuals
enjoy their housing rights to the fullest.
12:30pm - 1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted a Culture
This feature documentary follows the story of tireless
researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement
among Christians to a grave mistranslation of the Bible in
1946. FM LGBT Film Festival's Shawn Cotter will host this
revolutionary documentary that chronicles how the misuse
of a single word changed the course of modern history.
Q&A after film. Free to Summit attendees.
Also available as a single ticket for the film screening.
1:30pm - Break
1:45pm - Suicide Prevention
ND Hopes and The Trevor Project present ND and National
programs about suicide prevention.
1:45pm - Youth Advocacy: Standing strong
Caedmon Marx & Zara Crystal
Two young activists talk about what brought them to action,
what they do, and how they see themselves continuing their
work into the future. There will be time for Q&A and discussion
after Caedmon & Zara's presentation.
2:45pm - Break
3:00pm - Ally Advocacy: Support, Access,
and Care for the well-being of Families
Asheley LeFors, Kristin Nelson
Founders of Raven's Mom and Project RAI (Rainbows are
Inclusive) share information about how they saw unaddressed
need within the LQBTQ+ and ally community and developed
successful grass-roots programs to fill the gaps in mental
health and family support systems.
3:00 pm - NARCAN® Training - Sue Kahler & Cathy Palczewski
Bismarck Burleigh Public Health proud to partner with
Heartview to provide NARCAN® trainings. Learn how to
recognize an opioid overdose, and how to properly administer
a lifesaving dose of NARCAN® and resources in the
community. Each attendee will receive a free NARCAN® Kit.
3:00pm - YA Listening Session - What's on your mind?
Spend time with your peers, talking about what's important.
What you have to say will be presented to the attendees of the
Summit on Sunday morning at 11:00am.
4:00pm - Trans Here, Now, & Forever -
Discussion hosted by: Faye Seidler
Take a journey with several trans and gender diverse leaders
and activists as they discuss the issues they grew up with in
North Dakota, issues they faced moving here, and in spite of
everything why they call it home, what gives them hope, and
inspires them.
5:00pm - Summit ends for the day.
5:30pm to 7:00pm - 50+ Summit Gathering - Sponsored by AARP ND
Join Red River Rainbow Seniors & Missouri River Rainbow Seniors
for appetizers, beverages, commanderie, and conversation!
Location: AARP ND - 107 W Main Ave Suite 125, Bismarck, ND
7:00pm to 11:00pm - DOR Drag Show (18+) - Bismarck Event Center
$15 / person - $5 discount for registered Summit attendees.
SUNDAY - OCTOBER 22, 2023 - Bismarck Event Center
Presentation Rooms: Prairie 3, Young Adult - Prairie 2, Breakout - Prairie 1, Foyer
8:00am - Summit Welcome & Recognitions
8:30am - LGBTQ+ Policy & Advocacy in North Dakota
Ames Simmons
The 2023 legislative session in Bismarck was exceptional for
the sheer amount of anti-LGBTQ legislation that passed and
was signed into law. We’ll review the 10-bill “slate of hate” that
included restrictions on birth certificates, athletic participation,
restroom and facilities access, pronoun affirmation, and drag,
in addition to a ban on gender-affirming care. North Dakota’s
bills are part of a bigger national movement, and the ways we
respond to it take on many forms and dimensions. Health care
providers, state agencies, and community organizations are all
part of meeting this moment.